Notion Expert

Notion Expert

Competitive Market Analysis

🤺 Capture and track how your product competes with others

Businesses do not operate in a vacuum. Understanding the competitive landscape is a crucial component of any business strategy or product management role. In today's digital world, it's easier than ever to conduct competitive research and gather valuable insights about your competitors. However, efficiently capturing and organizing this information in a user-friendly space can be challenging.

This Notion template is the All-In-One Dashboard to capture and track your product against your competitors.

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What’s included?

🏤 Competitor’s Profile

Collect key information you should pay attention to and assess similar characteristics across many different competitors: Value Proposition, Key Differentiator, Target Customers, Key Features, Design & Aesthetics, and Marketing Channels.

💪 SWOT Analysis

Analyze your and your competitor’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

⭐️ 5 Dimensions

Covers 5 Important Dimensions you should understand your competitors’ products and evaluate them in comparison with your product.

🤍 Feature Table

Give users and team members an easy to compare the specific features of multiple products including design, reliability, pricing packages, etc.

🎯 Target Audience

Determine your business target segment and identify the audience your competitors are focusing on. Calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM).

📉 Trend Analysis

Identify identify which topics are trending up or down and stay on top of market changes over time.

💡Tips & How To Dos

You will find recommended websites, tools, methods, and tips like how to spy on your competitors, and many more.



Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis


One time payment

One time payment

Product’s Profile

5 Dimensions

Feature Table

Target Audience

SWOT Analysis

Trend Analysis

PEST Analysis


Product Management OS

Product Management OS

Product Management OS



One time payment

One time payment

Limited time offer - $30 off

Limited time offer - $30 off

Limited time offer - $30 off

Everything in Competitive Analysis


Vision & Strategy

15 templates

15 templates

15 templates

Product Discovery

Product Personas

Product Prioritization

Product Requirements Document

AI-Helpers 🪄

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