Notion Expert

Notion Expert

Business Model Canvas

Outline all high-level strategic details of your business on 1 page

Business Model Canvas provides a strategic and powerful way to understand your business. It represents a complete business model for already established businesses to outline high-level strategic details.

This Notion template helps you to lay out 9 key components:

  1. 🤍 Value proposition

  2. 👥 Customer Segments

  3. 📣 Channels

  4. 🤗 Customer Relationship

  5. 💸 Revenue Streams

  6. 💫 Key Resources

  7. 🤝 Key Partners

  8. 🏃‍♂️Key Activities

  9. 💰Cost Structure

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas

Outline all high-level strategic details of your business on 1 page

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